World’s fastest man,Coleman receives provisional suspension
|The world’s fastest man in 2019, 100m World Champion Christian Coleman, has received a provisional suspension due to whereabouts violation, Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) confirmed on Wednesday.
Coleman who clocked 9.76 seconds in Doha, Qatar last year, faces the prospect of missing next year’s Tokyo Olympics now due to the incident, where he denied any violation and accused Anti-doping agents of setting a trap.
Prior to the 2019 World Championship Coleman faced a similar violation but escaped suspension based on a technicality.
A day before (on Tuesday) the 24-year-old issued a lengthy statement explaining what went through the process.
This is the second high profile whereabouts violation provisional suspension within last month. Earlier Bahrain’s World 400m Champion Salwa Eid Naser too received a provisional suspension for missing three whereabouts violations in 2019.
According to the world anti-doping law any combination of three whereabouts failures (filing failure and/or missed test) within a period of 12 months constitutes an anti-doping rule violation and should lead to a provisional suspension, and then an Inquiry Committee should decide further action.
Sanction for violation is two years’ ineligibility subject to a reduction to a minimum of one year depending on the athlete’s degree of fault.
Y’all know this is wrong @aiu_athletics something needs to change. “Integrity unity” smh
— Christian Coleman (@__coleman) June 16, 2020

Report by Agents
Full Statement by Coleman:-
To my fans, followers, supporters and fellow athletes – I want to make you all aware of a situation I’m currently dealing with. A few days ago, the AIU came to a decision that I’ve been appealing for 6 months that I missed a test on 9 December 2019.
And now this might result in me being suspended from other filing failures that occurred well over a year ago at this point. Don’t tell me I ‘missed’ a test if you sneak up on my door (parked outside the gate and walked through…there’s no record of anyone coming to my place) without my knowledge.
Knocked while I was Christmas shopping 5 mins away at the mall (I have receipts and bank statements) and didn’t even bother to call me or attempt to reach me. I was more than ready and available for testing and if I had received a phone call I could’ve taken the drug test and carried on with my night.
I was only made aware of this attempted drug test the next day on December 10th, 2019 by the AIU when I got this failed attempt report out of nowhere. I was completely unaware anybody tried to test me the day before. I posted a picture of the report for you all to see. Please read what the DCO wrote in the comments. I’ve been contacted by phone literally every other time I’ve been tested. Literally. I don’t know why this time was different. He even said he couldn’t hear the doorbell so why wouldn’t you call me? Why would the AIU tell him not to contact me? He put down the wrong address btw so who knows if he even came to my spot.
That night I have multiple receipts of going shopping then getting food and coming back during this time so I don’t think he stayed for an hour and why would AIU tell him not to call me?! But then I get condemned by the fans because they think it’s a straight forward simple process, which it should be and how I would hope it to be. The AIU has to stop playing man. 2 days later they came back to test me and followed the normal protocol and called and of course there were no issues with my test. And I’ve been tested multiple times since, even during quarantine. But of course that doesn’t matter, and the fact that I have never taken drugs doesn’t matter either.
The December 9th attempted drug-test is the third infraction in a 12-month period. The other two are a missed test on 16 January 2019 and a filing failure on 26 April 2019. I take responsibility for missing the USADA agent on 16 January 2019 because I was at the weight room in the morning. But I think the attempt on 9 December was a purposeful attempt to get me to miss a test. As an athlete and role model, it is my responsibility to be honest and transparent with the fans, supporters and track community. I wanted to use this platform to share the facts, answer any questions and express my concern for this whereabouts system.
Last year I publicly addressed my stance on clean sport when I was dealing with USADA when they wrongly charged me with missing 3 tests. And today, nothing has changed. I have never and will never use performance enhancing supplements or drugs. I am willing to take a drug test EVERY single day for the rest of my career for all I care to prove my innocence. I have nothing to hide but it’s not possible to show that if I’m not even given a chance to do so. I am committed to the fight for clean spot. I support USADA, WADA and the AIU to keep athletes and competition clean and fair. But the system must change. I thought the point of the organization was to keep the sport clean by testing everyone and catching cheaters. Not attempt to catch people when they’re not home and make no attempt to actually test them and mess with the livelihoods of people who are clearly not doping.
This isn’t justice for anybody. Not me, not them, not the sport, who wins here? And the consequences are huge…they are messing with my opportunity to build generational wealth. Unlike other sports leagues, there is no face card who makes these decisions and has to stand on this nonsense. Only my reputation takes a hit and I don’t even know who has the final say. The organization just looks as if they’re doing their job but they’re not…
Why has this happened to so many other people with no explanation to the fans? No explanation on the rules or the process or what really happens. They just hang athletes out to dry over some paperwork (filing failure)…paper work! The sport is in trouble and needs some sort of reform. I was quiet last time but I’m not about to let my rep take a hit again for literally no reason. I have no idea what I could’ve done to avoid this but my parents did get me a Ring Doorbell camera for Christmas so that should nip all and any miscommunication in the bud! Id. It’s crazy I even have to make this kind of post instead of USADA, the AIU and USATF just standing with me. Someone who is a huge part of the sport and also someone who wants the sport to be as clean and popular as possible. I get tested so much, blood and urine, and they can look at my numbers and see I’ve been consistent since I entered the testing pool in 2015. If someone is cheating then just say that but if someone is clearly not then come out and say that too.